Prayer For Israel
Ancient Hebrew Transliteration:
(Palal Kaya YasharAhla)
2nd Maccabees 1:24-29
Our Father AHHAYAH, Creator of all creation, You are Strong, and Righteous, and Merciful! You are the Only Gracious KING! The only giver of all things, You alone are Righteous, Almighty and Eternal. You deliver Israel from all trouble and chose the patriarchs and sanctified them. Receive this prayer on behalf of all your people Israel and preserve your portion and make it Holy. Gather together our scattered people! Set free those who are slaves among the Gentiles. Look on those who are rejected and despised, and let the Gentiles know that You are The Most HIGH! Punish those who oppress us and with pride do us wrong. Plant your remnant in Your Holy Place; in YASHAI’s Name, we pray. So be it (Ahman).
Palal Kaya YasharAhla
(Prayer For Israel)
2nd Maccabees 1:24-29
Ancient Hebrew Transliteration and the English Translation:
Ahba-nawa AHHAYAH, Bara shal kal barayah, Ahtha anawan Shagab, wa-Tazadaq, wa-Chaanan!
Our Father I AM, Creator of all creation, You are Strong, and Righteous, and Merciful!
Ahtha anawan ha-Achchaad Chaan MALAK! Ha-Ahchaad zabad shal kal tazabawyam, Ahtha ahchaad
You are the Only Gracious KING! The only giver of all things, You alone
anawan Tazadaq, Shadaya wa-Ahlawam. Ahtha ga-al YasharAhla man kal ahnas wa-bachayar
are Righteous, Almighty, and Eternal. You deliver Israel from all trouble and chose
ha-Zaqanyam wa-Qadash alah. Laqach dah palal il tachath shal kal ima-Ka YasharAhla
the patriarchs and sanctified them. Receive this prayer on behalf of all your people Israel
wa-chaayah chaalaq-Ka wa-Ishah wa-Qadash. Lawam yachaad pawash-nawa ima!
and preserve your portion and make it Holy. Gather together our scattered people!
Padah alah maya sha ibadyam thawak ha-Gayam. Nabat il alah maya anawan
Set free those who are slaves among the Gentiles. Look on those who are
maahs wa-bawazah, wa-yadai ha-Gayam yadai sha Ahtha anawan Ha-ILAYAWAN!
rejected and despised, and let the Gentiles know that You are The Most HIGH!
Shapat alah maya lachaataza-nawa wa-ba-gaahwan gamal-nawa chaamas.
Punish those who oppress us and with pride do us wrong.
Natai yathar-Ka ba-Qadash-Ka Ahal; ba-YASHAI Sham, palal-nawa. Ahman.
Plant Your people in Your Holy Place; in YASHAI’s Name, we pray. So be it.