These are the Feasts of the LORD, even Holy Convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons.

Kal ha-Yadah, Kabad, wa-Thapaarath la-Ha-Gadawal AHHAYAH ba-ha-Sham shal ha-YASHAI wa-ha-Qadash Rawach!!! Translation: (All the Praise, Honor, and Glory to The Great I AM in the Name of the SAVIOR and the Holy Spirit!!!)

“Even these are My Feasts.” Leviticus 23:2

AHHAYAH’s Glorious Feasts:

  1. THE PASSOVER - 1st Month (Abib)/Mar. 2024 between the evenings on 03/16/24

  2. THE FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD - 1st Month (Abib)/Mar. 2024 @Sunrise - 03/17/24 to 03/23/24

  3. THE WAVING OF THE SHEAF - 1st Month (Abib)/Mar. 2024 @Sunrise - 03/24/24

  4. THE FEAST OF FIRSTFRUITS (Feast of Weeks/Pentecost) - 3rd Month (Sivan)/May 2024 @Sunrise - 05/12/24

  5. THE FEAST OF THE BLOWING OF TRUMPETS - 7th Month (Ethanim)/Sept. 2024 @Sunrise - 09/01/24

  6. THE DAY OF ATONEMENT - 7th Month (Ethanim)/Sept. 2024 @Sunset to Sunset - 09/09/24 to 09/10/24

  7. THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES - 7th Month (Ethanim)/Sept. 2024 @Sunrise - 09/15/24 to 09/22/24

    Leviticus 23:44 - And Moses declared unto the children of Israel the Feasts of the LORD!!!

To view these Holy Feasts of the Most HIGH, please reference our Calendar from the Holy Day Calendar Tab under the Title: Israel’s Holy 364 Day Calendar Downloadable Links!