The Godhead Vs. The Trinity

The Godhead is Not the same as the Trinity. The Romans worshipped the three male deities of Poseidon, Jupiter and Pluto. Therefore, under the Nicean creed when the Romans came up with the Trinity they switched the Godhead from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Mother Spirit/Wisdom/Comforter) to the Trinity. Thus acknowledging the Holy Spirit as a male spirit on the throne with the Father and the Son which falls in line with the Roman worship of Poseidon, Jupiter and Pluto. The Romans were known for absorbing (acquiring) the attributes of certain deities of peoples (nations) whom they conquered.

They introduced temples and religious processions, the idea of gods with human forms, and the use of statues and images. Rome soon acquired a taste for them. When the Romans conquered the Etruscan stronghold of Veii in 396 B.C., they ceremoniously carried the Etruscans’ wooden statue of the goddess Juno back to Rome and installed it on the Aventine Hill. They also absorbed the Etruscan goddess Minerva and added Etruscan attributes to Jupiter.

-Imperial Rome, Moses Hadas, pg. 123.